Signature Programs

Athenian Wilderness Experience (AWE)

At The Athenian School, we are committed to developing teamwork, personal and community responsibility, self-reflection, compassion, and resilience in our students. Kurt Hahn’s philosophy that, “there is more in you than you know,” is a critical element of their success in life.

赌场捕鱼网投学生提高这些品质的一个机会是赌场捕鱼网投荒野体验(AWE). 在你大三的时候,你和你的一小群同学将探索高塞拉山脉或死亡谷沙漠的美丽和魅力. Working together to navigate off-trail terrain, cook group meals, rock climb, and set up camp, 我们希望你能体会到技术带来的自由, routine, homework, 和其他责任,同时学习如何照顾自己, collaborate, problem-solve, empathize, and believe in yourself and others. Twice a year, AWE参与者的正能量为校园注入了新的活力, enthusiasm, wonder, self-awareness, and openness. 我们邀请您参加他们冒险的仪式结束,亲眼目睹敬畏的变革体验. 查看学校日历在3月和8月的“磨合”细节.

List of 3 frequently asked questions.

  • Why is AWE required?

    赌场捕鱼网投荒野体验为赌场捕鱼网投的户外探险和环境管理支柱奠定了基础. 自1969年以来,该项目一直是该校课程的一部分. Dyke Brown, the founder of The Athenian School, 他将学校的使命建立在他与库尔特·哈恩的经历以及库尔特·哈恩的哲学基础上, United World Colleges, 戈登斯顿学校和拓展训练等等. 哈恩鼓励将户外探险作为一种促进负责任的社区参与的方式, greater sense of compassion, self-discovery, physical fitness and self-reliance. 该项目旨在培养学生成熟的沟通和决策能力. 
  • What is the course itinerary?


    Training Phase Days 1-8
    An intensive period that involves learning new skills. 该课程是为没有露营经验的初学者设计的, but can be tailored for those with prior knowledge. 教师在每个技能领域提供密集的指导. They teach and monitor, 然后期望学生们开始利用他们所学到的知识,并承担越来越多的责任来互相帮助.

    Main Phase Days 9- “Solo”

    教师从决策过程中退后一步,让学生自主决策,在户外环境中照顾自己和彼此. 教师充当顾问的角色,并继续教授更深入的课程.

    Solo 3 Day Period after the Main Phase

    一个独特的机会,让个人反思远离干扰和分心. Students are provided their own mini campsite, 离老师和其他学生很近. 每个学生都有食物、水和住所,每天都有老师多次监督. 这个部分可以根据学生的需要进行修改.


    学生完全掌握课程的功能和结果,同时密切“跟随”教师. 学生们经常说这是课程的亮点之一. 这一阶段的实施取决于群体幸福感和其他因素(如天气)。.
  • Who supports the student groups?

    教练是专业的户外教育工作者,他们为国内和国际上的类似项目工作. 他们的职业生涯包括为国家户外领导学校(NOLS)等项目工作。, Outward Bound, other private high schools with outdoor programs, college outdoor programs, and wilderness therapy schools. 每个教练都在荒野第一响应者(WFR)或更高的医学认证.

    课程的现场支持由项目主管和成年后勤人员提供. This group is collectively referred to as “Logistics”. 此外,还邀请了高年级学生志愿者帮助成人后勤团队. 为了使航线顺利进行,船员们要注意很多细节. 后勤人员支持所有团体,而不是只与任何一个团体在一起.

AWE Trip to the High Sierras

AWE Trip to Death Valley

List of 2 members.

  • Photo of Phoebe Dameron

    Phoebe Dameron 

    Co-Director of Athenian Wilderness Experience
  • Photo of Jason Ham

    Jason Ham 

    Co-Director of Athenian Wilderness Experience